Be Our Office Supplies Partner with Pacific Wise Associates


Pacific Wise Is Looking For People That Have The Burning Desire Of An Entrepreneurship Or Business Partners! Let us build an UNBEATABLE Business Community!




This Is The Generation Of


Partnership is the key to success in businesses these days. Even Avengers needs a team of superheroes to Win The War.

If you think have what it takes to become a successful entrepreneur or business partner, Pacific Wise is looking for you!

Who Are We?
Pacific Wise has 20 years experiences in B2B E-commerce platform that provides one stop office solution, serving more than 30k of SME clients and helped them improve up to 60% procurement operational efficiency.

Pacific Wise Provides Convenience And Is Trusted

By more than 30,000 companies or school

Forming An UNBEATABLE Community


You don’t see Captain America join baby shark to fight their enemy, but Powerful People like Iron Man, Captain Marvels, Thor, etc..

A drop of water that drops into a big sea will never be dry. A person will Never Fall if they joins an Excellent Platform And Partner.

Looking For Partners And Entrepreneur That Are

Pacific Wise is looking for these 3 Types of Partners


Office Supplies (Pacific Wise - Leading Office Supplies Company)
Digital Enterprise (TagForm - Helping SMEs Go Digital)
Human Resources (DingDong - Automating Human Resource Management)

Every minute Past is every opportunities Missed. Click the link below to WhatsApp Us NOW!


Looking forward to speaking to you. Share this post to benefit others as well!


合伙人时代-得合伙人者 得天下!



  1. 管理型合伙人

  2. 如果您拥有在办公室用品/企业数码型行业超过3年经验以上,自认为有能力创业,但是只是缺少资金,货源,科技,团队管理,那么我们可以一拍即合!

  3. 资源型合伙人

  4. 如您也像PW寻找着能互补,强强联手创造更大的经济效益的商业模式,我们也欢迎一起讨论可进行的计划

  5. 资金型合伙人

  6. 如果您喜欢PW的商业与管理模式,相信可以在未来创造更大的市值与市场份额。我们也欢迎大家来一起探索如何将PW做到上市或并购

